Anthony Amaradio – Breaking Down the Barriers to Generous Giving

Anthony Amaradio - Breaking Down the Barriers to Generous Giving
Anthony Amaradio – Breaking Down the Barriers to Generous Giving

ALISO VIEJO, CA – Anthony Amaradio has always been an individual on a mission. As a child, Anthony knew what it was like to grow up poor and impoverished. However, he realized after attaining the riches of the world that it simply did not provide satisfaction. It is from these life experiences that Anthony has decided to publish a new book: Faithful with Much (Breaking Down the Barriers to Generous Giving), written for those who have been blessed with abundant material wealth. He desires to educate those who are significantly well-off about their opportunity to be an appropriate steward of all that God has given to them. With this new work, Amaradio will seek to share with the reader the personal narrative of how he and his wife were challenged not just to fit into to the status quo, but to understand that sometimes the “haves” of the world can easily become the “have nots”.

Whatever your status in life,” Pastor Rick Warren said, “this book will definitely challenge you to live generously.”

By his late 20’s, Amaradio had everything he could possibly want. His book “Faithful with Much” chronicles his earlier hedonistic lifestyle and how he eventually came up empty. He came to disagree with how the world defined some things.

“I think we all can relate to the world’s definition of joy,” Amaradio said. “All you have to do is go to a sporting event or the mall and you will immediately see that the world tries their darndest to sell you a bill of goods: that wealth, material possessions, success and fame will give you lasting joy.

Anthony Amaradio found out the hard way that the constant seeking of wealth simply does not bring joy.

Eventually, the facade for Anthony Amaradio crumbled into a million little pieces.

I almost lost my entire business and all of my wealth. I was having sleepless nights. One night, about 2 a.m., I couldn’t sleep, so I went down to my living room and I prayed, ‘Lord, I’m done. I’m finished. I want out.’ I surrendered, and the Lord gave me a new heart. I’ve always called it my ‘heart transplant‘”.

Anthony Amaradio learned that night that his new commitment to God wasn’t just the end, it was the beginning.

God allowed me to take money, which was my false idol, and use it as a tool to glorify Him.” (source

Anthony Amaradio and his life story captivate the reader in his book “Faithful with Much”. It takes readers on a journey from his humble roots of growing up poor to his conversion experience at age 20, and to the moment where he laid it on the altar and decided to no longer make the procurement of wealth a false idol. Anthony built a financial services empire along the way as the founder of Select Portfolio Management. This company delivered an integrated wealth management system in order to help clients preserve and build their assets. Because of his commitment to God in his late 20’s, Amaradio now spends at least a third of his time devoted to philanthropic principles. He has an active ministry with his wife Carin that educates people on how to honor the Lord with the resources that they might have (source