Anthony Amaradio – Offers Insights into Money and Marriage

ALISO VIEJO, CA – Every year, nearly 1,000,000 divorces take place in the United States, many of which are based on “irreconcilable differences”. Perhaps one partner works too much and does not make enough time for the other or has extracurricular activities that interfere with the relationship. Another obstacle that often causes issues is money. Couples that are unable to find common ground when it comes to financial questions are destined to fail because they will find it difficult to cohabitate. When one party is spending, and the other is saving money, mistrust is sure to follow. This is why Anthony Amaradio, a renowned financial expert, decided to help struggling couples by assisting them in opening up a mutual dialogue. By triggering them to start an honest conversation before money issues reach a boiling point, Amaradio can help couples stay together long-term.
“Often spouses do not talk about money unless they disagree on something, in which case a conversation can easily become a heated argument,” says Amaradio.
He suggests coming up with a plan and defining shared goals right from the start and then working together to reach those goals. “Expectations do not have to be identical,” he continues, “But it is important to understand how the other partner perceives a situation and what he or she wants to get out of it.”
Practical tips Anthony Amaradio offers include saving money by taking advantage of tax benefits:
“This is especially important for newlyweds,” Amaradio points out. “If you switch from filing your taxes as a single to being married, you are likely unaware of the changes that imply and potential advantages you might get out of it.”
Consequently even couples who file their taxes themselves might benefit from an appointment with a tax advisor to educate themselves on the topic. “Whatever you do,” Amaradio concludes, “keep talking to each other, respect each others opinions, and work together as a team.”
Anthony Amaradio bases his advice on experiences in his own marriage as well as on his extremely successful career in finances. After graduating from the University of Michigan with a Bachelor of Business Administration degree, Amaradio earned his Master of Business Administration from the University of Detroit. He was then offered a job with a Fortune 500 company but turned it down to pursue a career in the financial services industry. He gathered extensive in that industry for several years before starting his own successful company, Select Portfolio Management, Inc.
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