Tony Amaradio – Admires New Technology That Translates Bibles to Any Language

ALISO VIEJO, CA – As a devout Christian and philanthropist, financial expert and strategist Tony Amaradio highly admires the new technology developed by volunteer organization Wycliffe Associates. Since 1967, it has been dedicated to facilitating and accelerating the work of Bible translation around the world. Partnering with local churches and independent Bible translators, the ministry provides technology, training, resources, volunteers and more, empowering translators and affording countless individuals the ability to finally read the Scriptures in their own language. In recent years, Wycliffe Associates has begun incorporating cutting edge technology that speeds up translation and distribution of God’s word. As an admirer of the service, Amaradio hopes to see its use increase to meet the overwhelming demand.
Thanks to Wycliffe Associates, Bible translation is no longer limited to the difficult process of consultants travelling to remote locations, finding an adept translator, and engaging in the lengthy process of one-on-one translation. The Orlando, Florida based ministry has incorporated several technologies to rapidly quicken the translation process as well as improve interpretation accuracy and the safety of all involved. Their flagship MAST (Mobilized Assistance Supporting Translation) program is a new method for efficiently translating books of the Bible in parallel with great accuracy. By utilizing multiple translators without the dangers of repetition, omission or loss of linearity, a team of 26 translators can cut the regular New Testament translation timeline of years to an incredible two weeks. Bible Translation Acceleration Kits (BTAK) are the core of Wycliffe Associates’ rapid translation system, using advanced equipment to connect Bible translation consultants with on-site translators – a key ability for hard to reach or dangerous locales. To provide local believers with the translated scriptures, Print On Demand (POD) is a compact, high-speed, digital printing system that locals are trained to operate. “Worldwide Bible translation has taken a huge step forward thanks to these technologies,” Tony Amaradio stated. “I heartily encourage all Christians to consider Wycliffe Associates in their financial stewardship efforts!”
Outside of his successful career as Financial Chief Strategist, Tony Amaradio is well-known for his philanthropy, to which he devotes a considerable amount of his time. His true passions are clear: much of his consultancy and guest speaking is dedicated to helping other major donors improve their capacities and abilities to be more effective philanthropists. This is also the topic of the book “Faithful with Much: Breaking Down the Barriers to Generous Giving” written by Amaradio and his wife Carin and available in hardcover or on Kindle through Amazon. The book is inspired by biblical advice and their wealth of experience in the financial industry, noting: “two small coins don’t amount to much. But the widow in Luke’s story didn’t just give two small coins—she gave everything she had. Everything we have is our Creator’s.” This understanding that the money and possessions we are blessed with are not ours to hoard but, rather, we are stewards of them for the Lord and should give freely comes straight from the Bible. Amaradio is excited about Wycliffe Associates’ efforts, and hopes that others will also give generously to this worthy cause.
Tony Amaradio is the founder and Chief Strategist of Select Portfolio Management, Inc. and Select Money Management, Inc. He is known for developing one of the first comprehensive wealth management models in the country and many advanced tax, financial and asset protection strategies with the assistance of his highly experienced team. In addition to hosting the popular talk radio show ‘Market Talk’ for over two decades, he is a sought-after public speaker. A devoted Christian, he has dedicated no less than a third of his time to philanthropic endeavors.
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